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Your Checklist for Moving to a New State

Are you moving from one state to another? My name is Laura, and I am a real estate expert. I work in multiple states and find that many of my clients don't know that each state has different laws about moving. For example, some states require you to get a new drivers license and car registration immediately while others give you a significant grace period. Some states require you to pay a fee for property you register while others do not. I will provide a checklist of things you need to consider before moving from one state to another. I hope you will learn a lot that can make your move easier.


Your Checklist for Moving to a New State

Storing Framed Photos: A Guide To Help Prevent Damage

by Lester Herrera

Photos in glass frames can be a tricky thing to store. Not only do you have to worry about the glass breaking, but you also need to keep the photos from discoloring or becoming damaged by moisture. The best option is usually to keep the photos with you rather than store them in a storage unit. However, if you really have to put those glass-framed photos in storage, here are some tips to help protect them.

Always choose climate control.

This should go without saying. An outdoor-style unit where there is no heat or humidity control is no place for a picture and will likely leave your photos looking bent and discolored within days. Choose a higher-end storage facility with indoor rooms.

Don't stack them.

The weight of a stack of pictures can press down onto the bottom photo, causing the glass to crack and then damage the picture beneath it. Always store your pictures on their sides, standing up next to one another, in boxes.

Put paper between them.

If one of the pieces of glass does break, you want to make sure it does not dig into another frame or scratch another piece of glass. Putting pieces of tissue paper or packing paper between each framed photo will help prevent this.

Pack them on a dry day.

If your home is air conditioned and humidity is not a concern, then disregard this advice. But if you're living in a home that often becomes too humid, wait until a drier day to pack up the photos and take them to storage. If you do this when it's too humid, you may trap some moisture in the box, leading to discoloration of the photos.

Stack the boxes on a shelf in the storage unit.

Do not put the boxes of pictures directly on the ground. Even in an indoor storage unit, there's a chance some liquid will spill in a neighboring unit and seep under the wall. Or a pipe could burst in the hallways and water could flow in. Storing your boxes up off the ground on a shelving unit or even a wood pallet will ensure that if there is a spill, they don't get wet.

If you need additional advice regarding photo storage, try talking to the owner of a self-storage facility in your area. They've often seen what has and has not worked for previous customers and can give you some recommendations.
